Why does my air conditioner dry the air?

We have spoken a lot about different air conditioning systems, the pros and cons and covered a many topics because we believe in keeping our customers and potential customers fully informed. As many of you know, we take our business very seriously at Simply Air Conditioning London and always strive for excellence in everything we do and it is our pleasure to bring you useful, informative articles. This time we are going to discuss humidity and the effects it has in the home and to answer the question many people have about what makes an air conditioner dry out the atmosphere.

If an atmosphere is too humid or there is too much air conditioner dry out in the room it can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, so it is all about balance and relative humidity in the home.

Concerns about Relative Humidity

Relative humidity can affect health as well as your home furnishings, wood floors, pictures, musical instruments, plants, and leather items. When humidity is high, the growth of fungus and mould is promoted and sometimes bacteria and viruses. There will be a musty smell and too much exposure to damp and especially black mould can be harmful.

On the other hand, if humidity is too low and you find your air conditioner dry, it can cause dry throats and noses and affect your household furnishings and possessions in different ways to the opposite humidity level. Wood can crack and dry out, health issues such as sinus and respiratory illness can be exacerbated and of course any house plants will soon wilt, shrivel and die. Skin will feel taut and in need of moisturising.

Striking the right balance of humidity is essential to protect against too high and too low humidity levels. Not having the right relative humidity in your home can also affect energy bills as if your atmosphere is too humid, it will feel warmer so you may be tempted to lower air conditioner temperatures thus more expensive running costs. Dry air at the same temperature can feel cooler so the temptation is to increase the amount of warmth you require form your system if it is a dual purpose one.

If you are finding your air conditioner dry or are suffering with too much humidity in the home, then your air conditioning engineer can help. Recommended relative humidity levels for different climates and weather can be defined depending on a set of variables unique to your home. Your engineer will assess things to ensure a relative humidity in the home of between 30 and 60 per cent. For example the air in the desert is very dry, around 25% but a heated home in winter can have relative humidity of only 15% so it is no wonder some people are suffering headaches and stuffy noses in an over dry atmosphere. Windows also affect humidity levels.

How Humid Is My Home?

Try the Static Cat Test!

air conditioner dry air cat test

‘cat cop [DILO]’ by hobvias sudoneighm, licensed under CC BY 2.0

A good rule of thumb is if you stroke your pet cat and you both get static electric shocks then your air is way too dry! If on the other hand you can smell musty scents here and there or there is condensation present, then your home is too humid. Humidity gauges are available but can be expensive. In summer time your home may seem more humid and this is because warm air holds more water than cold air. Similarly in winter the air is generally drier although in the UK it can be very wet as well.

Excess humidity while keeping things from drying out can also be a health hazard and cause damp and mould on things ruining them. Air conditioners adjusted to the right levels will remove this excess humidity drying out the air and maintaining a comfortable environment. Central air conditioning especially works throughout the whole house and as the air conditioner cools the air it wicks away the excess moisture in the air. In winter time the air seems so dry and that is because it really is dry carrying far less moisture. This is why if you run your air conditioner dry, without balancing humidity, there will be issues in the comfort of your home atmosphere

Dry Air

Air expands and contracts when heated and cooled changing its capacity to retain water. When you see condensation on a cold glass of water or dew on the grass, warmer humid air is cooled leaving the excess moisture condensing onto the surfaces. Conversely, water evaporation dries air.

The Perfect Relative Humidity

All reputable air conditioning engineers will advise on the particular circumstances of an individual home and will ensure the perfect relative humidity for your needs is achieved. The air handler of your air conditioning system can have a whole home humidifier integrated for example; otherwise judicious operation of your system based on your engineer’s advice will ensure the perfect atmosphere in your home summer and winter.

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